i Breathe Passion

We provide distinct and impactful presence in content creation, online education and consulting space enabled by our core values of transparency, passion, and empowerment.

What is Peepoye Network about?

Peepoye Network is a dynamic platform that draws from over two decades of corporate consulting experience and a deep-rooted passion for enabling awareness and success. Under the "Peepoye" brand, our tagline, "Ab kuch nahi chupega" (Nothing will be hidden), signifies our commitment to shedding light on important social issues and driving positive change through engaging content and initiatives.

With a YouTube channel boasting over 1 million subscribers, we leverage the power of media to make a meaningful impact on society.In parallel, under my personal brand, "Akassh Ashok Gupta," I encapsulate the essence of "I breathe passion." This ethos is the driving force behind my decision to transition from a corporate career to entrepreneurship and is the foundational value I impart across all my offerings, be it consulting, coaching, workshops, or online courses.

I believe that passion is the catalyst for personal and professional success, and I empower individuals and businesses to harness that passion to achieve their goals. In summary, my business stands at the intersection of social awareness, education, and consulting, aiming to empower, educate, and inspire individuals and organizations while making a positive impact on society.

Our Purpose and Core Values

My business is built upon a set of core values and a unique selling point that define its identity and purpose. Our Core Values include:

Transparency: We are committed to transparency, as reflected in our "Peepoye" brand's tagline, "Ab kuch nahi chupega" (Nothing will be hidden). We believe in shedding light on important social issues and delivering honest, open, and clear communication to our audience.

Passion: At the heart of our personal brand, "Akassh Ashok Gupta," is the value of passion. We firmly believe that passion is the key to personal and professional success. This value underlines all our offerings and serves as the foundation of our teaching and coaching.

Empowerment: Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses with knowledge and skills. We provide educational content, consulting services, and mentorship programs that enable our clients and students to achieve their goals and create positive change in their lives.

What sets us apart

Our unique selling point lies in the intersection of social awareness, education, and consulting. We offer a holistic approach to personal and professional growth, leveraging our deep experience in corporate consulting and our passion for making a difference in society. Our ability to combine these elements sets us apart and allows us to offer a comprehensive range of services that empower, educate, and inspire.

We are not just educators or consultants; we are catalysts for positive change.In summary, our core values of transparency, passion, and empowerment, along with our unique combination of expertise, make us a distinct and impactful presence in the online education and consulting space.I would like to emphasize that our commitment to social awareness remains at the core of our mission. We believe that by combining social impact with education and consulting, we can create a positive ripple effect in the world. Additionally, we are dedicated to continuously evolving and expanding our offerings to meet the changing needs of our audience.

As we move forward, we are excited about the opportunity to connect with our community, share knowledge, and create a lasting impact. We are open to collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities that align with our values and vision. If there are any specific areas or topics you'd like to explore further, please feel free to ask, and I'd be happy to provide more information.

Founder Journey: The Background

After completing my graduation, I felt a strong urge to gain exposure, leading me to join one of India's premier companies, GECIS (a subsidiary of the renowned General Electric). As I embarked on this journey, I was uncertain about my destination but utterly amazed by the multinational environment. Initially, my intention was to merely experience the work culture and infrastructure, but I found myself deeply immersed in the corporate world. It was during my tenure at HSBC, where I held the position of 'Assistant Vice President,' that I discovered my true calling and created my YouTube channel.
While I found fulfilment in my corporate life, providing consulting services to top brands and honing my skills as a process excellence leader and transformation consultant, I sensed a significant void. This void led me to embrace YouTube, where I found an unexpected source of excitement. Witnessing the impact of my voice and opinions on the world ignited a sense of childlike enthusiasm within me, and I realised the power I possessed to enact change in the world around me.

Founder Journey: The Turning Point

YouTube became a turning point in my life, and suddenly everything came alive. Even though I started late, I finally found myself doing what I truly loved. YouTube never felt like work to me. In corporate life, promotions or recognition from superiors or clients were considered rewards. However, on YouTube, every subscriber felt like a reward. Receiving comments from viewers below my videos filled me with joy, knowing that my opinions had a profound impact on someone's mindset to the extent that they would take the time to leave a comment.
An interesting incident occurred during my visit to China when I tried my hand at vlogging. Initially, I had high expectations, hoping that my vlogs would be seen by millions. However, I soon realised that only a few hundred people showed any interest in my vlog content. Upon returning to creating opinion videos, I noticed that my views would sometimes reach hundreds of thousands. This taught me an important lesson: creating content based on my audience's interests and preferences, rather than my own mood, is key to YouTube's recommendation algorithm. This revelation prompted me to delve deeper into the YouTube Algorithm, which is now covered extensively in our advanced flagship course. It was a positive turning point in my journey.

Founder Journey: The Method

However, several issues started to arise. Firstly, my initial two channels got banned, despite my efforts to watch around 250-300 videos to understand YouTube better. Then, my channel monetisation became blocked, and there were times when I couldn't figure out why my views suddenly dropped. It dawned on me that I had been solely focused on self-learning without implementing the practices I used to preach during my consulting engagements with top leaders of renowned global brands. Once I began applying those tactics to my YouTube strategy, I witnessed a surge in my influence. In fact, my revenue started matching my salary for certain months, confirming that a switch was possible.
Although this realisation came after 20 years, it made me feel alive again. Now, I am ready to share my secret sauce and an accelerated method with all of you. You no longer have to waste time on self-learning. Instead, you can pursue what you love or take your business to the next level by harnessing the organic reach of the YouTube platform. This is why I am introducing 'Youtubeneur' to the market, a term I coined for myself. However, everyone out there deserves to break free from the stagnant state and soar like a bird. That's exactly what my flagship course, titled Youtubeneur, offers.